Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mineral identification

Hardness: 1-2

Mineral properties

luster: a brillance shiny mineral .
color:the property that make you difference's between many things.
Streak : the color that a mineral have after it have turn into powder.
Cleavage:when you broke a mineral and it break evenly.
Fracture:when you broke a mineral and it broke unevenly .
Hardness: the quality or condition of being hard
Composition:the different things that they put in something to make it .

Non - foliated metamorphic rock

A non-foliated metamorphic rock are the kind of rock that do not have line in it.

More rocks

A bioclastic sedimentary rock are made of things that were once alive.

A foliated metamorphic rock are the kind of rock that have line .

the rest of the rocks

A  clastis sedimentary are the kind of rocks that are form when  a lot of sediment get push up and glue together .

A crystalline sedimentary rock is form by chemical ( different kind of chemical).

Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle is the repeating of rock throu a cycle. First magma change into an igneous rock, then weathering broke the rocks into smaller pieces(sediment).thirdly the sediments get together and form one piece of rock '' the sedimentary rock''. after that heat and pressure get into it and it melt it and it is now a metamorphic rock .heat and pressure will change it again to magma so it never cease repeating.
A metamorphic rock are the kind of rock that are form by heat and pressure.
 Magma is melted rock inside of a volcano.
 Lava is rocks that is melt from the volcano.
Solidification mean to become hard/solide.
 Weathering is process of breaking rocks into pieces.
 Erosion is when sediment move by water.
Sediment are small pieces of rocks.
Compaction the act of crushing.
 Cementation is the change of a solid with powder.
 Sedimentary rock are the kind of rocks that are form when water get to big rocks and when they got push up and glue together.
 Igneous rocks are the kind of rock that are form when magma become cool and solide.

 An intrusive igneous rock
Intrusive rock that are form inside of the volcano and they have big crystals.

An extrussive igneous rock is a rock that grew outside of the volcano and they have small crystals .

Friday, October 19, 2012


Rock Cycle is the repeating of rocks through a cycle. First magma change into an igneous rock. An igeneous rock changes into a sediment by weathering. A sediment change to sedimentary rock when it uplift
               Rock Cycle is the repeating of rocks through a cycle. First magma change into an igneous rock .     An igneous rock change to a sediment by weathering and sediment change  to a sedimentary when it uplift   .                               

Friday, October 12, 2012

Science is interesting
I like to sing
not graduating high school scares me 
chipotle  is my favorite food
i will be a manager when i grow up
i have 2 siblings
my favorite color is blue
my favorite thing to do is having fun 
i was i was really smart in math watch out for saying bad thing about me without knowing me